"International Career & Employers' Day" is a two-days online recruiting event organized, in 2020,  by EURES ITALY: the first day  dedicated to jobseekers and the second to Employers. On both days  (from 10:00 to 18:00) it will be possible to consult national and European job offers, send your application, hold job interviews with companies, chat with EURES Advisors and companies. Register to participate here: https://www.europeanjobdays.eu/en/events/international-career-employers-days


Published in News

YFEJ is a service that matches young jobseekers with employment across Europe, open to people with different levels of education and / or work experience.
Jobseeking and  interested in a professional experience in another EU28 country + Iceland and Norway? Find a job/traineeship/apprenticeship, get a financial support for an interview abroad, support and/or advice. Willing to hire workers, trainees or apprentices aged 18-35 from other EU28 countries + Iceland or Norway? YFEJ would put you in touch directly with the candidates you want to meet!
Details available in English, French and Italian here: YFEJ

Published in Support


The Intercambia Eurodesk Spain wants to create a practical information guide about the different countries (currency, visa, typical food …)  that take part in the Erasmus +  program to help youngsters before their departure so they would know a little bit more what is needed before to go.

Help the Intercambia team to collect this information from your country!

Help to create a practical information guide!


Published in Ideas